Já það er að gerast út í heimi að Hótel og gististaðir eru farnir sérhæfa sig sérstökum kúnnahópum og þar á meðal Hótel fyrir Bifhjólfólk.
Haldið þið að það sé munur að mæta á hótel og það er serstaklega hugsað um að þú sért hjólamaður ,,,, Hjólið sett inn og allt gert fyrir þig sem þú vilt og í nágrenninu eru flottustu mótorhjólavegi , slóðar sem sögur fara af.
Þú eyðir deginum í að hjóla kemur svo á hótelið slappar af í pottinum eða spa-inu og hitti svo aðra hjólara sem eru að gera það nákvæmlega sama og þú … Njóta!
Motorcyclist and 12 times Rally Dakar participant Pål Anders Ullevålseter (53), who has won four reality series for celebrities, Ice Dance in 2007, 71 degrees North in 2011, Farmen celebrity in 2018 and Champions of Champions in 2019 play the main role in a new international YouTube, Facebook and Instagram film made to market Norway as the best place in the world to ride a motorcycle.
– Norway is completely unique with its beautiful winding roads, says Pål Anders Ullevålseter .
Link to video with Pål Anders Ullevålseter

Great setting for the film in Telemark
The film was shot in Vrådal in Kviteseid municipality in Telemark and we see Pål Anders Ullevålseter on a walk in a beautiful landscape where he ends up driving up the stairs and into the hotel. Everyone else has to park outside.

– Through the use of humor, a bit of irony and great landscape images, as well as surprise, we have created a film that is well suited for all digital platforms, says Lars Arne Straand who is CEO of Straand Hotel in Vrådal and responsible for Hubriding.no in Norway. In just a few years, the hotel has taken the position as the country’s leading hotel with a focus on motorcycles, beautiful cars and regular cyclists.

– There is a lot of pressure now in the hotel market since almost all Norwegians will have a Norwegian holiday this year as well. We notice this in all the historic hotels from Agder in the south to Troms and Finnmark in the north. With this film, we want to reach a Norwegian, Nordic and global market with an interest in good driving experiences, says Nils Henrik Geitle , who is CEO of De Historiske Hotel og Spisesteder in Norway.
De Historiske is a member organization consisting of many of Norway’s most charming hotels and restaurants. There are 66 hotels, 23 restaurants and 2 boats that are members of the group.

– Recording went off the stack on one of the hottest days of the year with fantastic weather. It is incredibly fun to be a part of the marketing of the beautiful Norwegian roads. Our winding roads are perfect for motorcycles, classic cars and ordinary cyclists, says Pål Anders Ullevålseter who has ridden motorcycles all over the world. Both as a tourist and athlete. He is the national team manager for the Norwegian Enduro national team and took second place in Rally Dakar in 2010. He became European champion in Enduro in 1998 and 2000 and took the world title overall in Desert Rally in Dubai in 2004. In addition to winning the four reality series, Ice Dance in 2007, 71 degrees North in 2011, Farmen kjendis in 2018 and Mesternes Mester in 2019, he has also participated in Skal vi danse in 2013.

– We are incredibly proud that Telemark now contributes to marketing Norway with our unique roads, says Anne-Hege Svartdal who is tourism director at Visit Telemark. The film comes perfect now as the world slowly but surely returns to normalcy after the Covid-19 era. Through the film, we will reach millions of motorcycle stakeholders around the world, who can now start to look in the direction of Norway and Telemark as an exciting tourism destination, says Svartdal .
– Here we have used several exciting film techniques to create a strong digital expression, adapted to the social media platforms YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, says Hans Kristian Lahus , general manager, Reklamebyrået Superlativ in Bø in Telemark who has been responsible for the production.

The idea for the film was developed by lawyer Arve Lønnum in the law firm Lønnum in Oslo, who is himself an active motorcyclist. He took an hour off from the collection of laws and entertained me with something completely different.
– I got the idea late at night. That the hotel and Pål Anders Ullevålseter ignited the idea and immediately started to make it a reality is just impressive, says Arve Lønnum . Good nature, great pictures and film, as well as a little badly hidden self-irony is a universal good way to reach the Norwegian, Nordic and international motorcycle audience.

Facts box about Straand-Hotel
Straand Hotel was started as a shuttle station in 1864, today it is the fifth generation Katrine and Lars Arne Straand who welcome. With historical roots with horses and carts in the center, strategic investment in modern iron horses (MC) has contributed to new opportunities. Our new concept www.hubriding.no, where you can enjoy new and exciting driving routes on a motorcycle, classic car or bicycle every single day has become a success. Straand Hotel is a full-service hotel with 125 rooms in a beautiful cultural landscape in beautiful Vrådal well suited as a starting point for round trips and good driving experiences. The hotel has both an old and newer style, a good kitchen with local food traditions, a roof terrace with dining, a swimming pool and a course and conference department. The hotel is located on the beautiful lake Nisser with a nice beach bar and activity area. In the village there are great hiking opportunities, golf course on an island and good skiing in the winter. Own veteran boat from 1909 is located by the hotel, M / S Fram is happy to take you on a lock cruise in the beautiful island landscape. The hotel is an excellent starting point for discovering beautiful Telemark, a small piece of Norway in miniature. The Straand group also includes Vrådal Booking, which arranges cabins and apartments in beautiful Vrådal. Internet:www.straand.no and www.dhh.no

About HubRiding
HUB riding is a concept that is tailored for hikers everyday motorcyclists, regular cyclists and those who ride a car / nice cars. The concept offers the best a motorcyclist can wish for on a trip. You can stay at the hotel, avoid tedious transport stages and enjoy driving routes from 100 to 650 km with a turn guarantee. All routes are day stages, they are prepared on the basis of map studies and test drives in some of the best driving terrain you can find. The concept includes the facilitation of services such as great food and driving experiences, washing and easy maintenance, drying options, packed lunches and access to technical assistance. The wonderful thing about HUBriding is that you can return to the same bed every single day, meet old or new friends and enjoy life as a HUB rider with us. Let’s Hub it! Internet:www.hubriding.no