Valentíno Rossi er einn sigursælast ökumaður í mótorhjólakappakstri MotoGP  og í minni flokkum tilkynnti á dögunum að hann ætlaði að hengja upp leðrið endanlega í lok þessa árs.
En hann hefur keppt á mótorhjólum í um 30 ár.

„I said I would take a decision for next year after the summer break, and I decided to stop at the end of the season. Unfortunately this will be my last half season as a MotoGP rider. And it’s difficult, it’s a very sad moment because it’s difficult to say it and know that next year I will not race with a motorcycle, I’ve done that for I think more or less 30 years! Next year, my life will change. But it was great, I’ve enjoyed it very much, it’s been a long, long journey and it was really, really fun. It’s 25, 26 years in the World Championship, so it was great. And I had a unforgettable moments with all my guys, the guys who work for me, so… I don’t have a lot to say! Just this.